Senin, 06 Februari 2017


a Winner never stops trying -Tom Landry-‎
Come on pals, wake up NOW!

Weekly Information is Coming 

1.  Beasiswa PCINU Sudan tahun akademik 2017-2017 di International University of Africa.

Program beasiswa Bachelor atau strata satu PCINU Sudan adalah program beasiswa di beberapa Universitas yang ada di Negara Sudan. Dengan fokus pada 6 (enam) bidang studi, yaitu: Fakultas Adab (Sastra), Fakultas Dirasah Islamiyah (Studi Islam), Fakultas Syariah wal Qonun (Hukum Islam), Fakultas Tarbiyah (pendidikan), Fakultas Lughoh Arobiyah (Bahasa Arab), Fakultas al Quran.

DEADLINE: 10 February 2017

👱Contact Person: Muhammad Dzakwanul Faqiih
📲WhatsApp: +249 99 586 6339 
🌍Details: Selengkapnya di

2. Fulbright Scholarship

The grant is to pursue a master’s degree in the US for one to two years in any field except medical sciences.

DEADLINE: February 15th 2017

3. Mahidol University 

Delightedly presents On-site Interview and Active Recruitment to ALL NATIONALITIES in Three Countries – INDONESIA, MYANMAR, and NEPAL.  Around 50 full scholarships and 450 partial scholarships for the two-year Master's and three-year PhD Degree programs are available to faculty members in public universities and government official of national institutions as well as NGO officials.

Upload your CV, NOW until 15 February 2017 in this link: 

Student Admissions Section
📱(+66) 0-2441-4125 ext. 208-210
Details in our Facebook Fanpage

   4. Türkiye Scholarships graduate programs

Applications are exclusively intended for candidates from all over the world who want to pursue master and PhD studies in Türkiye. For more information about Türkiye Scholarships and applications, please visit our website

❗DEADLINE: February, 17th 2017

🌍Learn more:

 5.  The World Bank Scholarships Program contributes to the World Bank Group’s mission of forging new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world.

❗DEADLINE: February 23, 2017


6. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika memanggil Pemudi-pemuda terbaik tanah air untuk mengikuti seleksi beasiswa pendidikan S2 luar negeri bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara, TNI, POLRI, dan Karyawan/karyawati swasta yang bekerja di sektor Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (dosen dan tenaga pengajar tidak diperkenankan mengikuti beasiswa ini)

❗DEADLINE: 28 Februari 2017

📅Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online melalui


7. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) DAAD offers a large number of scholarships to Indonesians. Most of its scholarship programs are addressed to university- teachers (from public or private universities), to researchers from public institutions and to professionals working in the public or in the private sector.

DEADLINE: February, 28th 2017.



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🅿 Sahabat Beasiswa

✅ rqs8382b

©Sahabat Beasiswa🎓 -Now everyone can get scholarship  -

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